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PinkPea FinancePartner Pool LiNEAR-wNEAR LP is going online

June 15
PinkPea Finance and LiNEAR Protocol have partnered! The first Partner Pool LiNEAR-wNEAR LP is going online! Users participating in LiNEAR-wNEAR LP staking will receive LP and additional PEA and LiNEAR rewards.

AMA | PinkPea Finance -Maximizing DeFi Alpha Hunter’s Gains

June 10
PinkPea Finance founding team gave an AMA on Near Insider on June 8 and NEAR Daily on June 9 , shared \[PinkPea Finance — Maximizing DeFi Alpha Hunter’s Gains] and announced product features and future development plans. The founding team of PinkPea Finance will be attending several AMA in the near future, so stay tuned!

PinkPea Finance’s new section Boosting was Online

June 01
If users have enough vePEA, they can boost their standard APY rate up to three times. As long as the user obtains vePEA, no matter whether the user deposits in any pool, their APY will be increased,After locking PEA to obtain vePEA, boosting will start automatically. See the formula to calculate boosted APY.

PEA Officially Launched

June 01
PEA tokens was officially launched ! PEA-NEAR LP mining was launched at the same time! All users who participated in the PEA pre-mining activities can receive their PEA tokens. Please click on the link for the PEA token unlocking rules:

PinkPea Finance starts PEA Incentive Program to Boost NEAR & Aurora Ecosystem Development

April 22
PinkPea Finance is a fully integrated Aurora DeFi optimizer that reduces barriers to accessing high-yield DeFi products.

PEA Pre-Mining Rules

April 22
To reward early adopters and participants, PinkPea Finance’s first 2-week “Community Mining Program” will begin on April 19, 2022, at 8:00 (UTC+0) and is expected to last for two weeks. Users can mine 200,000 PEA each week, a total of 400,000 PEA for approximately 2-weeks. All PEA released during the pre-mining phase will be locked.

PinkPea Finance PEA Token Pre-Mining Online AMA

April 22
Host: Good evening everyone, I’m Thomas, Community Manager of NEAR Insider. Many of the NEAR Insider community members are loyal users who have been part of the Near ecosystem since the early days. Today we will be interviewing PinkPea Finance, the hot project of the NEAR ecosystem Aurora chain. Today is an important day for PinkPea Finance as the PEA pre-mining has started. The guest invited is Pete, Head of Marketing at PinkPea Finance. Please say Hello to everyone. The chat has been put on mute for everyone. Please do not panic. The chat will be muted for only some parts of the AMA, thank you. Here how’s we will go about today’s AMA:

The PinkPea Finance PEA token starts pre-mining

April 22
The PinkPea Finance PEA token starts pre-mining on Apr 19 at 8:00 (UTC+0). Users staking in our LP pool Vaults can get:

LP Mining Tutorial: Guide to Auto-compounding Your Yield With PinkPea Finance Vaults

April 17
PinkPea Finance landed on NEAR’s Aurora Yesterday. Near Protocol announced strategic partnership with PinkPea Finance to further enhance DeFi opportunities on Aurora.