We use Telegram for internal communications and for your onboarding steps. More on our communications here.
In the Academy you will receive support and training to become a Mundo Lingo Manager. To join the Academy we must first complete Onboarding. This consists of a few basic tasks to ensure you have technical tools ready for receiving access to our internal network and resources.
We provide limited support in this time, but by completing this phase you will be ready for success with no delays 🚀
⏳Time: 1 - 5 days
1️⃣ - Contract
2️⃣ - Social Media Accounts
3️⃣ - Bitcoin
4️⃣ - Join the Venue Investigation Bureau
5️⃣ - Incoming Managers Call
The Manager works in the background ensuring a professional operation.👉 Mundo Lingo Managers
Managers get paid, how? 👉 Mundo Lingo Finances
We maintain a culture of good 👉 Communications and the 👉 Mundo Lingo Philosophy
Not during onboarding. Once completed, you'll be offered regular weekly calls, tutorials, chat groups with managers in other cities and a ton of documentation and resources.
Yes! If you have burning questions please check the documentation first. If it’s unanswered, write your questions to us in a clear and concise manner and we will absolutely answer it.
Learn about the Academy