

Curate to earn.
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Tech Ideas for the Future

March 08
As a database, KurateDAO needs a platform that is fast, low cost, and eco-friendly.  This meshes well with the Avalanche ecosystem.  KurateDAO and Avalanche can work together on the following ideas:  
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A Web2 and Web3 Example

March 08
Curation for news and DeFi.
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KurateDAO's Inspiration: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial

March 08
KurateDAO's curation model is inspired by the three branches of the American government.
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KurateDAO Secures $6.85 Million in Seed Funding Led by Polychain Capital to Develop the "Curate-to-Earn" Category

March 08
KurateDAO’s mission is to use economic incentives to curate the world’s information. 
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100x the Internet by Being More Subtle

March 07
To grow the internet we need more nuance in how content is curated.
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EL5: KurateDAO Protocol Design

March 07
EL5 of how the KurateDAO protocol works - with memes too