
Airesh Bhat

Airesh Bhat

Just another developer trying to change this world!! Working on the TransferOfValue Protocol!!
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Owning your value

Airesh Bhat
December 30
In almost every interaction in today’s world, one needs to interact with a third party. We trust platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to regulate information shared on their platforms. We trust banks to keep the money we earn safely. We trust organizations such as Google, Brave to keep our internet surfing data safe from falling into the wrong hands. We trust technologies such as Apple, Microsoft, Samsung to keep the data we store safe from hacking. We trust the local government bodies to keep our identity safe. We trust government institutions to keep our surroundings clean, and to build infrastructure so that we can create value more efficiently.

Transfer of Value Protocol

Airesh Bhat
November 22
Why do you work? What’s the main goal?

Running a Gnosis Validator on Digital Ocean droplet

Airesh Bhat
November 22
Created a new public/private key pair to interact with the console of the droplet.
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What do I believe in?

Airesh Bhat
November 18
What’s the purpose of our lives? Why are we here today? Why are you reading this article? Why do some events in our life feel right and some others don’t? How do we explain such feelings?
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What do we all need to aim to achieve?

Airesh Bhat
November 17
As I mentioned in a previous article, the main goal of humanity is to achieve greater collective enlightenment.
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How would you navigate this digital world?

Airesh Bhat
November 15
You are a “being” in the physical world. To be able to navigate this digital world, you will have to own your digital counterpart.

What a protocol would look like?

Airesh Bhat
November 14
A protocol speaks a language. This language will be governed by a set of values/beliefs.
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What do we need to build?

Airesh Bhat
November 14
We need to build languages of tomorrow. Languages that unify people.

Why do we need decentralisation?

Airesh Bhat
November 12
Barter system. This was the oldest form of value transfer known to man. Between then to now, humans invented various ways to transfer value between each other. For the first time in the history of humanity, we have found a way to do this at peak efficiency XD.