

Xingjishijie is a Web 3.0 Eco-technology media
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2022 年趋势预测——从公链到跨链,你需要知道的一切

March 02
2021 年是区块链技术发展的一个重要年份。我们不仅看到了各种新的加密货币的引入,同时区块链钱包的注册数也突破了 7000 万个。虽然在代币价值方面有相当多的潮起潮落,但 NFT 的爆炸式增长也证明了区块链是不可预测的。

2021~2022, Crust Network Milestones and Prospects

February 19

In the Web3.0 era,explore distributed storage Crust ecological map

January 21
Yesterday, we were honored to have Crust global marking lead Ludwig Trappe share with us at the IPFSNEWS.The theme of this event is "In the Web3.0 era,explore distributed storage Crust ecological map". The activity is mainly divided into two parts, formal questions and free questions.The details are as follows:(Formal questions)

Crust Files Brings New Storage Experience in Web3 Era

January 21
The much-awaited launch of Crust Files, a Web 3.0 personal file storage vault for crypto-natives, is finally here.  Crust Files have been made available to the public at 8:00 a.m. (UTC) on January 5, 2022.As we all know,