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"You Are Here" – The Sobol Blog

"You Are Here" – The Sobol Blog

You Are Here is a Sobol blog covering trends in DAO operations and governance. Twitter: https://twitter.com/teamSobol
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Orchestrating DAOs: The Power of Composability

Sobol Labs Debuts with a Hats Protocol App
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Navigating the Murky Waters of DAOs

A Deep Dive into Power, Trust, and Decentralized (DAO) Org Structures.
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The Pragmatists Guide to DAOing aka Reasonable ways to Govern a DAO

This article is by some people who have “been there, done that” in the self-management community. In DAOs, there is much talk about whale capture and token weighted voting. There is an assumption that if you haven't designed the system well, you will be attacked in the Dark Forest of open, permissionless, networks. But this debate seems to stem from a limited set of governance ideas. 
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A Web3 Journey - Pt. 3

Once you see Web3 and DAOs, you can’t unsee them. 
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A Web3 Journey - Pt. 2

On December 17th, 2021 my worlds collided when receiving one of my favorite newsletters…
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A Web3 Journey - Pt.1

This is the first of a three-part series on my discovery of Web3 and DAOs. This is what I experienced in my relentless pursuit to understand and progress the future of work.
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Diagramming DAOs #3: Bankless DAO

Bankless DAO has onboarded tens of thousands of people to DAOs, and that's a conservative estimate :) In this post, we dive into their ops and governance processes and diagram to learn how they do what they do.
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Sobol Community: Season 0 Recap

Over the past three months we have been building.
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Diagramming DAOs #2: CityDAO

In this post, we’ll diagram the core operations and governance processes at CityDAO, based on the DAO’s public documentation via their forums, Notion, etc...