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Tapio Finance

Tapio Finance

Unifying ETH LSTs: Deposit ETH and/or LSTs into Tapio Finance's liquidity pools and mint $tapETH - the first LP token with utility.
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Introducing our Vision Map competition!

Tapio Finance
November 14
In our fast-paced DeFi ecosystem, we often find ourselves focusing on short-term goals and roadmaps to navigate our projects. Yet, it's equally vital to take a step back and imagine the bigger picture, the long-term vision that can illuminate the path to our project's true potential.
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Introducing the Tapio Guardians program!

Tapio Finance
November 01
Recently we shared how Corican moved from being a community member to a full member of our team, thanks to his contributions to the community: helping other users and engaging in discussions.
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Tapio's Preparation Phase

Tapio Finance
October 27
We are currently in the Preparation Phase. The team is making changes, building new things, and getting everything for the mainnet launch. We will have a third testnet period later this year, with quests and NFT mints in the lead up to our full mainnet launch.
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tapETH Token Redesign

Tapio Finance
September 26
Our testnet campaign has been successfully concluded; we saw over 80,000 unique participants, almost 3,000,000 completed quests, and over 1,000,000 transactions. The campaign was spread over two phases and encompassed the Tapio dApp as well as integrations with protocols like Maverick and Gravita. We have seen our community grow and identify the benefits of Tapio within the LSTfi space.
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Tapio Incentivized Testnet: Phase 2

Tapio Finance
August 07
The team is excited to announce the second phase of Tapio’s testnet campaign - focused on integrations of $tapETH!
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The Tapio Trek: Incentivized Testnet

Today we’re excited to announce the public testnet for Tapio Finance on Ethereum’s Goerli network and is live on https://test.tapio.finance!
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The $TAPIO Token

Tapio Finance is seeking to serve as the middle layer between LST liquidity and downstream DeFi applications. By depositing LSTs and native ETH into Tapio’s pools, and minting tapETH - not only can users contribute to liquidity within the ecosystem, but also maintain the ability to take part within DeFi, while earning staking yield and swap and redemption fees.
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How does tapETH maintain a peg?

One of the key advantages of using $tapETH within DeFi is that it doesn’t share the standard models that other LSTs have such as:
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Delving into tapETH's Model

Fundamentally our architecture is quite simple - individual stable pools between ETH and individual LSTs, which while independent of one another, are all represented by the LP token - $tapETH.