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Block-chaining my thoughts

Block-chaining my thoughts

Who is general failure and why is he reading my disk?
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What is BlockChain?

Blockchain – Maybe you’ve heard of it, or maybe you have no clue. Either way, this article aims to shed some light on the data structure that’s disrupting the world of financial services and beyond. By reading this article, you’ll learn about what blockchain is, where it came from, and what types exist.
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Keynes vs Copernicus: On The Debasement Of Money

The United States Senate confirmed in January 6th of 2014 Janet Yellen as chair of the Federal Reserve System. Let us in this moment of recess reflect on verily similar observations by two of history's most transformational figures:  John Maynard Keynes and Nicolas Copernicus.
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Athos - Capítulo #1/5

Nota prévia: Este livro tem como objectivo apresentar os pensamentos, descrições e factos vividos na altura do relato. Foi, por isso, escrito de forma a representar o mais fielmente possível o que na altura aconteceu. Existem incorrecções que são fruto das observações e do conhecimento existente na altura. Algumas correcções já seriam possíveis mas, no entanto, trairiam o modelo escolhido. Este livro não deve ser usado como documento de base para nenhum fim “científico”, devendo ser lido como “ficção”.
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Athos - Capítulo #2/5

Dia 1 – A entrada no Monte Sagrado (01.06.12)
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Athos - Capítulo #3/5

Dia 2 – 20 000 passos (02.06.12)
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Athos - Capítulo #4/5

Dia 3 – A última caminhada (03.06.12)
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Athos - Capítulo #5/5

Dia 4 – O retorno (04.06.12)
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Web3 Geocaching as a Cultural, Science and Citizen engagement revival - A Blank Paper.

How to engage a community on the Web3 reviving the Culture and Science - rewarding both municipalities and citizens.
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Smart Contracts. How stupid can they be?

Estimated reading time: 6 min Level: Introduction+